WEEK1: What Differences Keep Us Apart?
Identifying the Walls That Divide Us

In what way are people different? How are people different in your classroom? Your city? Your country? How are people different in the world? And are our differences important to how we live our lives? Do our differences affect where we live? Do our differences affect our income? Do our differences affect how we are treated? Do different regions and countries have the same issues?

What happens when you ask students to share their findings in own created videos and presentations:


The students from Argentina did research about how people differ in their country.

Watch this video


The Australian students did research about how people differ in their country.


"Our class talked their differences that make them unique. In this group is only one girl and she is the only one whose parents were born in Austria. We worked with a shared PowerPoint and put it together in order to form a collaborative presentation. So each and everyone is unique and important for this class."



The Belgian students have different nationalities: Turkey, Afghanistan, Poland, Nepal, Albania, Tunisia, etc. They all speak in their native language and offer their perspective into their life in Belgium.


Our history class had an interesting discussion about 1) why is empathy greater in some people and not in others and 2) the role authority plays in shaping how we see these differences. The students' work is based on the Milgram experiment, which was an attempt to better understand these questions. Our class realized "walls" might be part of the problem; they saw connections to cyber-bullying and Canada's attempts to destroy First Nations cultures through residential schools.


After discussing Human Differences generally and in classroom and in society, I asked my students to represent their perspectives by the way they like (drawing, ppt, essay, etc...), by the end of the week they began to send me their amazing works..


Santhi Karamcheti's class

Watch this video including four students offering their vision.

Rashmi Kathuria's class

Students are enjoying participating in the project Human Differences.

Amita Sharma's class

The teacher took a question round by Introducing the topic. Every individual is different in some sense and "No two people are same or similar" . This acquired individuality is sometimes very helpful in blossoming their personalities. Children responded well by saying that these differences are due to our family background, mindset, thinking capacity and our response to a situations. People have their own inhibitions and apprehensions which stop them from mingling them with each other.

Neeru Mittal's class

Team : Anshika Arora, Hutashan Solanki, Rishabh Uniyal, Parthav

Students have created a sway by researching extensively on the topic. We had a brainstorming session as to how to present the information via Sway


The students in Clontuskert looked at the prompt questions for Week One and as individuals thought about how each question impacted them as Irish citizens. They then formed groups to discuss their ideas and each group worked on how to represent each answer in film form. Their responses were collated within the Senior Room Classroom Notebook on One Note which ensured that they could share ideas freely. Each group then filmed two aspects of the film with the trailer created as a teaser Watch this very cool Making of.


The Japanese students wrote about the differences that can be found around ourselves. This video clip is the summary of their ideas and message from Japan to those participating in this global project!


The Kenyan students focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.


The Lithuanian students focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.


The Macedonian students focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.

New Zealand

Taieri College

We spent the week introducing the idea, and looking at ways we can incorporate this global project into our current Science topic of electricty. We decided to look at how differing access to electricity creates walls and inequality for people wanting to access simple things like hot water for washing, to technology for learning.

Opaheke School - Year 7 & 8 students

In the Senior Hub we talked about what differences could be, before completing a Microsoft Form that included the questions for us to consider for the week. Then a small group of students pulled all of the ideas together to make our presentation. Unfortunately it looks like our music has not worked so we will look into this. Some great discussion and debate over some of these questions.

Watch their presentation.


Olalekan Adeeko's class

The Nigerian students focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.

Ayo Odeogbola's class


Students of grade 8 Lgs Pakistan, researched, discussed about the walls that divide us. Every child had his own perspective. Watch videos attached.


The students from the Philippines work in groups which results in several videos:

First video

Second video

Third presentation (Sway)

Fourth video

Fifth video


The Polish students focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.


The Portuguese students focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country. They made a news bulletin!

Sierra Leone

The students focussed on how people are different in the class in what ways people are different, in the classroom, their country and the world.


Juan's class

The Spanish students focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.

Angeles' class

Watch the video


In what ways are we different in our class ?

Emma: The fingerprints represent the soul - we are all different and unique. Each fingerprint is unique but put together with a heart ❤️ it can create a unity .

Home is where the ❤️ is ! The place where we live represent the heart .We discussed how our home is different than other places . How is it different ? The picture taken from one of the boys daily ride on his dads tractor demonstrate our reality . The rural countryside compare to the city .

The first thing you see and judge is how a person looks . We talked about all the little details that are different and unique in our appearances . They sat opposite to each other studying each other , finding little details they had never noticed before . The faces of our class represent the variety in a persons looks and mood .

South Africa

This week started with my Gr 6 learners debating and discussing the questions. Their answers sparked many interesting discussions which brought up both uncomfortable and different situations, which were especially relevant to the South African context. The learners decided to video their answers to the questions in pairs. This week, we as a class focused on developing our collaboration skills, thinking out of the box and listening with understanding and empathy.

Watch their video

The Netherlands

Watch some videos: First - second - third


These students from Tunisia focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.


These students from Turkey focus on how people are different in the classroom and the country.


We discussed how people are different in our class, in our country, Ukraine and in the world. Students divided into groups. Each group researched one topic and then presented Power points to the whole class. Then we had the whole-class discussion and edited our final presentations. We also created a video with students speaking about different countries.

United Arab Emirates

First week my Students had debates that how differences among us makes us different from each other. Living in Dubai , our differences affect our incomes.

Are we treated differently based on our Gender. I asked my student to submit these responses in a video format or as a debate among two students. I used this flash cards to initate the debate and discussion.

Short debate about difference between different Genders. Watch this video.


Mike Soskil's class

Students had a class discussion about differences in our classroom, village, country, and in the world. Based on feedback from all their classmates, a team of 6 children created a paper-slide video with our class iPad. The video illustrated the differences, but ended with a message that we are all equal.


Students had a class discussion about differences in our classroom, village, country, and in the world. Based on feedback from all their classmates, a team of 6 children created a paper-slide video with our class iPad. The video illustrated the differences, but ended with a message that we are all equal.